It's Jesus Christ.
Especially during this time of year, it seems that there's an incessant need to remove Christ and anything to do with Christ from well.. everywhere.
I've written about this before and questioned why tolerance for every other religion and belief is forced down our throats and yet my beliefs and my faith can be slammed without any recourse.
The latest attack was in Oklahoma City when the Federal Reserve demanded that a private, Payne County bank remove all it's references to Christianity because THEY deemed it inappropriate. They were offended by the cross' and Bible verses and Merry Christmas pins some of the staff had on display.
And I ask you why? Why does the Federal Reserve think they have the right to tell a PRIVATE bank what they can or cannot do.. especially when it has absolutely NOTHING to do with money?
And please.. please.. PLEASE do not bring up the whole separation of church and state because that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. (If you need me to explain to you what that phrase means and it's original intent then please email me) This is a private bank.. not a government endorsed one. They have a Constitutional right of freedom of religion to do what they want to do.
If you're offended by their pro-Christian displays, then bank elsewhere. It's obvious that the bank's owners feel that their display of faith is more important that someone being offended. Kudos to them.
So explain to me why someone can smear feces on a depiction of Jesus and it's called art but in the United Kingdom and Canada it's considered a "hate crime" to depict Muhammad?
My soon-to-be nephew posted this on his Facebook page:
The greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants yet they called him Master. He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried a tomb, yet He lives today.
Maybe that's the problem with today's society and their need to "get rid" of Jesus. To believe in his teachings means that you have to life your life right. It means that those seven things that drive most people are things that you can no longer have, do, want or desire.
I ask those who laugh at my faith or try to minimize it: Why does it bother you so much what I believe it? Why does any reference to Jesus Christ offend you? Look inside yourself, not at me. Question your motives, not mine.
Tim said something recently that is really the best rebuttal to those who condemn Christ:
What does it matter to you how I approach my faith. If I believe in God and you don't and we get to the end and we find out that I'm wrong then so what. But if we find out that you're wrong, then where will you go?
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