Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There's No Do-Overs

... so Sunday at church, Pastor Mark gave a really good sermon. You know it's a good sermon when it sticks to you long after the service is over.

I'm not going to get all bible thumping and throw out chapter and verses because, honestly? That would make ME just scroll down through the post. And I'm not usually one to talk about these things because I'm kind of like those quiet Christians ... yknow, letting your actions speak louder then my words?

Because let's face it.. I have a habit of dropping F-bombs like the word "THE" so it's just a lot better that I let my actions speak for me!! LOL!!

But that was the point of the sermom.

Actions say more about a person then their words do because words lie.. people lie.. for whatever reason.

And the thing is.. I don't usually get into the whole "Who's Getting Into Heaven" conversation because I'm just worried about ME getting into heaven and I might not have to wait until 2012 or the Apocolypse for it.

I could get hit by a car crossing the street .. or slip in the bathtub and hit my head (especially if I go in after Matt because he uses like, 3/4 of a bottle of conditioner on his hair!) .. or I could trip over the cat on the basement stairs.

When you think about it.. those are more probable then sticking around for the 4 Horsemen to ride down my street.

So with that.. do I really want to stand before God with all the minor stuff that makes my soul dark? Is it really worth it an eternity in Hell? Because once you stand before him, there are no second chances. No Do-Overs. No "Heheheh.. oops!"

That's the point I've been trying to beat (figuratively, not literally) into Josh. The stupid lying over stupid stuff.. the disrespect.. the attempts at manipulations.. (come on kid, I got 33 years on you!!). Is it worth it?

You can't change people.. you can't change how they act or what they say. You can only change yourself and your reactions but there are consequences for the things we do and the consequences far out weigh the moment.

And before y'all get all theological on me, Yes, God is a forgiving God.
Yes, Jesus Christ died for our sins.
Yes, we are all sinners.

But there's a HUGE difference between sinning and asking for forgiveness because you know in your  heart that you did wrong.. and conscientiously doing something because you think, "..well, I'm going to be forgiven anyway."

And before we even go there.. I just want to say this:

I know that there are people who are going to read this that aren't Christians.. or don't believe in God.. or are of different faiths.. or have serious issues with their belief system.

That's cool .. I wrote this more for me and I'm not going to get into a debate about what I believe versus what you believe. One of us is right.. one of us is wrong.. and eventually we'll find out who is and isn't. Just know that whatever faith or religion or belief system you have, the core principals are the same.

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