Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being A Part Of History

Not really.

A lot of you know that me and Tim took our simple asses to Washington DC on Aug 28th to attend the Restoring Honor Rally, the Glenn Beck event that was really  nothing more then a spiritual revival. Although if you believe what you heard from the likes of Chris Matthews and such, there were cross burnings and small animal sacrifices.

I can tell you there were not.

I'm also going to repost an entry from another blog that outlines our trip because honestly, whenever we set out to do something, we can NEVER get from Point A to Point B in a straight line.

Anyway.. so while we were amongst the 500,000 or more people (yes, that many. We were there) there was a camera crew interviewing people. I do have to say that a lot of people shied away from it because there had been so much talk from the mainstream media the week prior to the event that people thought that whoever they talked to may be misrepresenting who they were .. what media outlet they were from.. and feared their words were going to be taken out of context.

With good reason, I might add. EVERYBODY who reported on it got it wrong. But that's another post for another time.

But anyway.. so this camera crew happened upon the space where we were hanging and they started talking to the guy from Central PA who was there with his 8 or 9 year old daughter. They interviewed him for something like 15 or 20 minutes. Tim moved closer to hear what the guy was saying and I was standing behind him, a little to his right.

As much of a camera hog as I usually am, not having slept or showered in two days made my vanity get the best of me!

After the guy finished, my anti-social-would-welcome-solitary-confinement guy said, ".. I have something to say!" so they turned the camera on him. I really wasn't able to hear what he said at the time because there were soo many people buzzing about and I have a heard time hearing anyway so after the cameras left, I asked him and he said that we were all here because of God.. because of our faith in God.. and getting back to that faith.

A few weeks ago when Glenn Beck announced that they were putting together a documentary about 8.28 I told Tim that I bet he was going to be in there.. he didn't think so. Like he said, there were SO many people interviewed.. SO much film.. SO many more poignant things that a lot more people probably said.. he was just happy to have been given the opportunity to say his peace.

Last night, the documentary was released. We were all set to watch it when Josh needed help with his homework so I told Tim to start watching it ( because everything on Beck's site usually crashes because of all the traffic ) and I figured if he was already in, I could always catch up to it.

So over D = T x Y problems, I hear ".. LESEE! LEESE! LEEEEEESSSSSSEEEEEE!"

I go running into the bedroom ".. what? what? WHHHHAAATTT?"

He tells me to watch the laptop screen and as I am, still getting chills because yknow.. we were THERE, I hear his voice and see his on the screen.

We both couldn't believe.. it's an odd feeling you get when you see yourself or someone you love in a documentary about something that was so amazing and being watched by hundreds of thousands of people.

What's more amazing is what the showed.. him saying that being there is about God.. about faith and getting back to it.

Even today, it's still a little unbelievable.

If you get a chance to watch the documentary (I'm going to try and get a copy of it) .. he's the bald dude in the blue striped shirt around the 2 minute mark.

Towards the end of the documentary, I had face time. Me in my sweating t-shirt and Dietz and Watson baseball cap.. I'll tell you, it's much more impressive seeing Tim then it was seeing me!! LOL!!

Anyway.. being apart of history is cool. Having it documented? Priceless.

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