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I'd Take An Easy Bake Oven At This Point |
.. I've been without an oven since September 15th because I used the "self clean" function.
.. I used the self clean function because I attempted to make Tim a cake for his birthday instead of springing $9 to buy one and since I used the cheapy cheap cake mix that didn't have instructions on it, I over-filled the bake pans and it over flowed all over the oven,
Did you ever smell chocolate cake mix burning on the bottom of an oven? It's not as pleasant as you think it would be.
Anyway.. after 4:20 hours, I went to use the oven and guess what? Wouldn't come off the self clean function. So thinking that IT knew that IT wasn't as clean as IT wanted to be, I did the whole self cleaning thing again with the same results. So I did it again.
You do remember that I am the Queen of Idiocy, right?
So after two days of this, I called a guy that fixes these things. He was suppose to come twice and never showed.
So, being the Queen of Idiocy, I did the whole self clean thing again,
This time I called someone else to come and look at it and after giving him 40 bucks, he told me that what a self cleaner does is incinerate everything in the oven at like, a thousand degrees or something. Because the oven was old and the mice had made nice little condos with the insulation, I basically incinerated everything in the oven that made the oven work.
So we needed a new one.
So I called the landlord and was like, look ... the oven's broke and I even paid someone to tell me that the oven is broke so I need a new one. Either you get me one, or I'll get me one and take it off the rent. I even told them that I was willing to get a used one from the guy who told me my stove was incinerated because part of the 40 bucks would go towards the purchase of another stove.
Cause, like, I'm nothing if not fair, right?
By this time, it was into October and there was this little issue with a pile of wood that the Borough insisted I get rid of and the landlord was insisting was my responsibility to get rid of. I, on the other hand, wasn't feeling that moving a 60 odd foot tree that fell in a storm two years ago was my responsibility to get rid of. Doesn't seem to fall in the "maintaining property" clause of the lease.
That whole wood thing is a whole OTHER story for a whole OTHER post but whenever they called about THAT, I brought up the fact that I felt they were holding my stove hostage.
And then today rolls around and it's like, two days before the rent is due and guess what? I get a phone call that I'm getting a stove delivered after 12 noon .. because I think they knew that if they were going to hold my stove hostage then I was going to hold my rent check hostage.
So I waited and waited and waited and dreamed about the first thing that was going to be baked in an oven that worked .. Noon rolled around.. 1pm rolled around.. 2pm flew by and then at around 3 I figured I wasn't getting my stove.
I called the rental office and was asked if the delivery guy had called me because I wasn't getting a stove today .. I was getting it tomorrow. Now, if they guy had called me would I be calling THEM? Um.. that would be a noooooo. But I get the number for the delivery guy and told the rental office that I would call him myself. Apparently there was an issue with the address and he thought I was in the city and when he realized I wasn't he decided that he was too far away to make a delivery. They had also given him my old work number and an incorrect cell number as my contact information. He swore up and down that he tried to call and I believe him because if there's one thing I found out about the rental office is that they are HORRENDOUS with phone numbers.
So tomorrow morning the dude is going to call me and I'm going to give him directions and hopefully Tim will finally get his birthday cake tomorrow.
Word of advice ... if you have the choice of buying a cake and making one? Spring for the 9 bucks. It'll save you a lot of aggravation and hot dogs!
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