BTW .. whatever happened to Milton?
Anyway .. I don't want to say that John was the WORST mayor in Philadelphia history (I believe THAT would be Wilson Goode seeing that he bombed a neighborhood) but Street's been involved in so much shady shit and controversy that even Time magazine named him one of the worst big city mayors back in 2005.
But having been a resident of the city during his term in office, it was painfully obvious where his loyalties lie.
And, yknow, nobody is against helping those that actually NEED it .. but to me and most decent folk of ANY racial decent.. one's color shouldn't determine whether you get what you need.
Then we have Michael Nutter, the current Philadelphia mayor. He's been called everything from an "Uncle Tom" to "The Whitest Black Man".

Why is that?
Because he's fair? Because he's educated? Because he's well spoken? Because I believe he truly wants what's best for Philadelphia and isn't afraid to make the necessary changes?
When is that a criteria for ".. not being black?"
Well.. it is if you're John Street.
Read the following:
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A longtime feud between former Philadelphia Mayor John Street and his successor has been renewed with racially charged comments from Street, who told a newspaper that Mayor Michael Nutter was "not a black mayor ... just a mayor with dark skin."
The two men, both black, have sparred for years, dating back to when both were on City Council. When Nutter ran for mayor in 2007, he focused much of his campaign on Street, even though Street was term-limited and could not run again.
In an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunday, Street questioned whether Nutter -- who faces re-election next year -- was black enough for the city's African-American community.
He is "not a black mayor," Street told the newspaper. "He's just a mayor with dark skin."
Nutter called the statement "undignified" and questioned "these very personal" attacks.
The feud between the two began boiling recently, in the midst of controversy over the Philadelphia Housing Authority, which Street chairs.
Last week, the board fired its executive director, Carl Greene, after allegations he used public money to settle sexual-harassment complaints and coerced top employees to pay into a slush fund.
Street, who has long held great support in the city's black community, has spawned racial controversy before.
In 2002, he galvanized opponents by telling an NAACP conference: "Let me tell you: The brothers and sisters are running the city. ... Don't you let nobody fool you; we are in charge of the City of Brotherly Love." He later apologized.
So really, John.. how is ANYONE (white or black) with any sense about them going to take you seriously with statements like that? Who's really the one wanting to hold progress back to a 60's mentality.
Rodney King got it right.. Can't we all just get along?
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